Education Enrichment Program for School-Age Children (3-13yrs): A curriculum-based licensed childcare program that emphasizes literacy skills in our school-aged children.
Summer Education Enrichment Program (5-13 yrs): A 10-week program that provides fun and educational activities during the summer months.
Client Assistance & Advocacy Program: A program that provides food, clothing and community referrals to families in need.
Meal Programs: Four programs that help support the community's need for food.
During the holidays, their resource centers can provide Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gifts to families.
Wesley Mobil Food Pantry: Refrigerated 18- wheeler that delivers 18,000-20, 000 pounds of fresh produce and frozen grocery products every fourth Saturday of the month, to about 400 households.
Wesley Center - 3600 N. Crump St. Fort Worth, TX 76106 - 817.625.8205
Polytechnic Center - 3100 Avenue I. Fort Worth, Texas 76105 - 817.531.2803
Bethlehem Center - 951 Evans Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76104 - 817.332.7911