The Collin County Adult Literacy Council (CCALC) is a non-profit, 501 c3, fully volunteer, non-sectarian, non-religious, non-political organization whose purpose is to serve the literacy needs of adults who live in Collin County, or who have access to services provided in Collin County.
Their affiliate literacy and English as a Second Language
(ESL) providers are working diligently help their students learn to read, write
and speak English, as well as pass the GED test. They also have programs which
provide basic adult education. They do this through volunteer efforts in
classrooms, small groups, and one-to-one tutoring sessions.
They offer classes, including the following:
- Basic Literacy in Spanish / Alfabetizacion, primaria y secundaria en Espanol,
- Citizenship,
- English as a Second Language classes (ESL), and
- GED.
The classes are offered at different locations in the communities and are listed on their website under the class the client is interested in. They also have free resources available.