Program name: MHMRTC SafeCare (previously known as HIP)
Summary: Home visiting Parenting program called SafeCare (evidenced based practice) providing parenting intensive case management, financial assistance, basic needs, and parenting support through monitored visits.
Home visiting program
Eligibility, must meet one of these criteria:
Families who are involved with Family Based Safety Services (FBSS), Our Community Our Kids (OCOK), or Conservatorship who are pregnant or parenting a child up to age five (5)years old.
Families who are in monitored return who are pregnant or parenting a child up to age five (5) years old.
Families who are involved with Family Recovery Court (FRC) who are pregnant or parenting a child up to age five (5) years old.
Current or previous foster youth who are pregnant or parenting a child up to five (5) years old.
These referrals should be sent to directly to, Kaitlyn Moll also as secondary Meghan Glovier
They use a parenting curriculum called SafeCare that goes over three areas: Parent Child Interaction/Parent infant interaction, Health, and Safety. PCI/PII go over setting up a structured schedule, keeping a routine, as well as maintaining that secure bond a parent has with their child. Health training involves education on interactions with children when they are ill and how to help prevent sickness, and the necessity of keeping accurate health records. The Safety portion involves the staff going over what common hazards that are in the home and how to remove or reduce them. The course is about 18 weeks, but they can work with a family for 6-10 months longer if needed.
Counties Served:
Priority: Tarrant, Denton, Johnson, Parker
Others served: Hood, Somervell, Wise, Palo Pinto
Misc Attachment | SafeCare Brochure 11.23.pdf | 12-04-2023 |
Application Form | SafeCare Referral Form.pdf | 12-04-2023 |