Therapists provide counseling from a Christian perspective. Each counselor is Masters trained and licensed by the State of Texas.
They accept most all insurance in Texas and offer a sliding scale based on income and ability to pay.
Individual Counseling - focuses on discovering root causes, goal setting, and managing steps to overcome struggles with depression, anxiety, OCD, etc.
Couple Counseling - Successful marriages happen when couples discard destructive habits and replace them with the kind of positive habits that make love, trust, and good communication possible. -
Family Counseling - for over 30 years we've been helping families to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling family lives by discovering ways to overcome stuck spots.
Overcoming Addictions - Alcohol, drug, sexual, gambling, eating disorders, gaming addictions all have one common denominator - shame. Learn how to take steps to be set free from it's bondage.
Pre-Marital Counseling - Why not start off a life-long commitment by making a wise investment in the most meaningful decision of your life?
Anger Management - Do you get frustrated too often, hold it inside until you can't stand it anymore, then react in a way you regret later? - There's help for that!
Grief and Loss - Instead of living day after day with a gnawing pain that never goes away, take action. Let us walk you through the process of healing.
Child & Adolescent Counseling- Our children can be the source of our biggest blessings and biggest frustrations, often in the same day. Let us help you keep them on the right track.