When the waiting list is open, Complete Pre-Applications will be accepted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon on a first come first serve basis.
At the time the applicant comes to the office with their completed application, the applicant will sign in. PHA staff will verify the pre-application submission for completeness to include all required eligibility documents (social security & citizenship) and explain the full application interview, verification and screening processes.
At the initial pre-application visit, the family will complete and sign the application form and sign all certifications and releases.
A complete application must include:
Only completed pre-applications will be accepted and immediately be placed on the Waiting List. Pre-applications are accepted Tuesday-Thursday 9 am to noon.
Eligibility Criteria: two or more persons living together, may include elderly, over 62 years old, disabled or displaced persons; one must be a US Citizen. Favorable landlord history required for adults 18 years and older and income must not exceed the Federal Income Limits for size of the family. A background and citizen declaration form will need to be completed with the application.