Emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault called Ada Carey.
Court appointed special advocacy (CASA) for children in foster care.
Food-weekly pantry Tuesday and Thursdays 9 am to 3 pm and Wednesdays 2 pm to 5pm.; at the Resource Center at 3611 Plaza East Court.
Clothing-New Beginnings resale shop at 1204 Waters Edge Dr and open 8 am to 4pm , even on Saturdays; 817-964-3445.
Non-residential victim services-hotline including safety planning and housing; hotline: 844-579-6848, and counseling services for men.
Financial support for individuals, veterans and families in crisis to assist with rent, utilities, prescriptions, and gas for families in crisis (eligibility requirements).
Household items to those in need and those recovering from disasters.
They also assist with senior care and provide veteran's assistance. to assist with emergency needs.