Be a resident of either Dallas or Tarrant County
Have never attended, or previously attended but stopped out of, a postsecondary education or training.
Have not already graduated with a bachelor’s degree
Must be a US citizen, permanent resident, or show intent to become a permanent resident of the United...
Are 19 years and older (exceptions can be made for high school seniors who do not have a TRIO program at their high school)
FREE Services
1. Help in completing applications for college admissions, testing, and financial aid
2. Guidance on secondary school re-entry or entry to a GED program
3. Career counseling and workshops
4. Academic advice
5. College pre-admission counseling
6. Information on postsecondary education opportunities and student financial assistance
7. Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students
1. Are looking to complete their high school equivalency or GED
2. Have never attended, or previously attended but stopped out of, a postsecondary education or training...
3. Have a desire to enroll in a postsecondary program, whether it is a certificate, career training,...
4. Have limited financial resources
5. Are first generation college students (those whose parents did not graduate from a 4-year university)